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Materiały do pobrania

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    Wyświetla pozycje 31 - 40 z 52 ogółem
Case Study on IDAX300 and VAX020
The Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) is an Indian state-owned company headquartered in Gurugram (North India) engaged mainly in Trans-mission  of  Power  and  transmits  about  50%  of  the  total  power  generated  in  India  on  its  transmission  network.  The  company  owns  and  operates  about  1,61,790  circuit  kms  of  transmission  lines  at  800/765 kV,  400 kV,  220 kV  &  132 kV EHVAC and +500 kV HVDC levels and 248 sub-stations. Also, it has the transformation capacity of about 396 825 MVA as of 30th November 2019.
Opublikowano 26 sierpnia 2020
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TTRU3 Factory ratio testing of power transformer
Transformer equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have a critical need to measure true ratio, as they must confirm proper manufacture of their transformers during construction and final assembly. Improper construction has consequences of higher cost, late delivery, and poor quality. The ability of a ratio instrument to be used for all steps involved makes it a practical valueto OEMs because only one instrument is purchased and used throughout each stage. Only the most reliable and accurate instruments make it to the factory floor. Winding stack under constructionre used: Art Mandigo Winding Service.
Opublikowano 3 sierpnia 2020
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Testing frequency relays with SVERKER900 considering the IEC 60255-181 standard
This application note is more than a description of how to use SVERKER 900 for testing frequency relays. It also wantsto spread the knowledge about IEC standardization in relay protection. Many engineers often associate theIEC series of protection standards IEC 60255-1xx1to relay type testing, and believe that they do not need to have competence about this series of standards. This is a misunderstanding: many of the concepts, definitions and test procedures described in thestandards are there to be used in relay technique, no matter if the role is relay manufacturer, user, or commissioning / maintenance testing engineer ([2], [3]).
Opublikowano 30 lipca 2020
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DLRO2: Tryb pomiaru przy długich przewodach
Przez wiele lat metoda4-przewodowa pozostawała standardem w mierzeniu małych rezystancji. Jej główną zaletą jest eliminacjarezystancji przewodów pomiarowych. Co jednak w przypadku, gdy wymagane jest zastosowanie długich przewodówpomiarowych?
Opublikowano 27 lipca 2020
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DLRO2: new difference meter
Introducing the first low resistance ohmmeter to feature a difference meter, a device that turns changes in resistance into a moving pointer and percentage change. When testing multiple similar connections, it makes it easy to spot those small increases in resistance that eventually turn into major faults.
Opublikowano 27 lipca 2020
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DLRO2 safety warnings
Safety warnings for DLRO2
Opublikowano 14 lipca 2020
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Broszura - seria TDM45
High power test and diagnostics combination for medium voltage cables.
Opublikowano 28 listopada 2019
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Software download files for SMRT
Opublikowano 14 listopada 2019
MeggerBook Cable Brochure
Your complete software solution for managing, analysing and logging measurement data and cable data.
Opublikowano 24 października 2019
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TTRU3 Phase Shifting Transformer App note
The is capable of performing turns ratio tests on any phase shifting transformer by allow-ing for phase shifts to be entered with respect to the secondary winding. But with all of the differ-ent ways phase shift is expressed, how do you know if the entered phase shift value is correct?
Opublikowano 22 sierpnia 2019
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  • Wyświetla pozycje 31 - 40 z 52 ogółem