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Testing self-powered relays with SVERKER900
Self-powered relays will be animportant component for the protection of the smart grid.While they allow reducingthe cost of the protection system, they are definitely a challenge for relay test sets, that are required to provide the voltage and current signals to simulate the power system fault, but also the generatedsignals need to have necessary electric power to supply the protection relay.SVERKER 900 is designed to manage this task and this Technical Guide describes how two self-powered relays can be tested.This document guides through the testing of two self-powered overcurrent relaysfrom SEG GmbH (formerly Woodward), WIC-1 and WIP-1, with the relay test set SVERKER 900, for commissioning/maintenance purposes.The Technical Guide details on the principles adopted in the testing with reference to relevant IEC standards and to the relay manuals. In addition,basic instructions on the correct usage of the testing possibilities offered by SVERKER 900are described
Opublikowano 16 października 2020
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