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Case Study on IDAX300 and VAX020

Case Study on IDAX300 and VAX020

The Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) is an Indian state-owned company headquartered in Gurugram (North India) engaged mainly in Trans-mission  of  Power  and  transmits  about  50%  of  the  total  power  generated  in  India  on  its  transmission  network.  The  company  owns  and  operates  about  1,61,790  circuit  kms  of  transmission  lines  at  800/765 kV,  400 kV,  220 kV  &  132 kV EHVAC and +500 kV HVDC levels and 248 sub-stations. Also, it has the transformation capacity of about 396 825 MVA as of 30th November 2019.

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